MCBS Members
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*Updated on 1st May, 2018

MCBS Dial Contacts App

Android and IoS App of Contact Details of MCBS Members

An Android and IoS App called MCBS DialContacts is developed to get easly und always updated contact Details of MCBS Members.

But it is exclusively meant for the use of the MCBS members. Others please contact at MCBS Generalate or Provincial Houses to get the contact details of particular Member of the Congregation.

The main advantage of this App is that, the individual user does not need to bother about updati​ng​ the contact details of ​the ​MCBS community members. An admin will do it for ​the whole community by updating -adding/deleting/editing- contact details.

​Contact details of all the MCBS community members are shown according to two Provinces, sorted in alphabetical order ​of the States in India ​and other Countries​, they are working in. An overall search function and page wise searches are included as ​​added function. Images of all members are given for easy identification. It also functions as a caller ID which shows the image of person calling. A single touch just below the address will activate the navigation function and it will give the exact location of the community member for easy navigation. The App functions offline, needs internet connection only for updation.

MCBS DialContacts app is developed by AllBing Infotech, under initiative of Fr Vincent Srampical mcbs.